On 22 May, UK Atomic Energy Authority (UKAEA) officially launched the procurement for Whole Plant Partner (WPP) for the STEP programme. FIT welcomes the launch of the competition as it calls for two new industrial partners to help deliver and design the Spherical Tokamak for Energy Production (STEP) prototype fusion plant at its chosen site at West Burton in North Nottinghamshire, UK.
The competition focuses on finding partners for two areas of STEP – engineering and construction partner – to work alongside STEP’s fusion partner, UKAEA.
The first stage of the procurement will be run strictly through the Mercell (EU Supply) UK CTM Portal here. To support the selection questionnaire for potential industrial partners, STEP will be running a mid-point webinar on 20 June. More about the Mercell Portal and the STEP procurement process can be viewed on the pre-procurement webinar that was first shown on 15 May and available on the STEP website.
For more information on STEP’s new WPP procurement, click here.