About the UK Fusion
Industry Taskforce (FIT)
The Fusion Industry Taskforce – a consistent, independent and insightful voice of the UK’s fusion sector to Government.
FIT was established in 2022 by energy transition company Assystem at the behest of the then Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) to reflect growing interest in UK fusion following the publication of the country’s first Fusion Strategy (2021) and the need to create a single, independent and insightful voice to the UK Government.
FIT aims to present Government departments with the requirements that the fusion sector needs to succeed in the UK and has outlined developments that it would like to see on skills, education and talent, infrastructure, innovation, financing, security, siting and international collaboration among other areas.
Organisations wanting to join FIT or simply find out more about the Taskforce’s work should get in touch via the Contact page on this website.
About Us
Highlights from the launch of the Fusion Industry Taskforce.
On March 12th, the UK Fusion Industry Taskforce was launched at the Institute of Mechanical Engineers in London. Hear what our guests, panellists, and affiliate representatives had to say about FIT in our highlights of the event.