Oxford Sigma delivers materials technology, materials solutions, and fusion design services in order to accelerate the commercialisation of fusion energy.

Oxford Sigma was founded in 2019 to address the needs in the fusion community on fusion materials and in-vessel component design. The company is over 5 years old and has been growing year-on-year. It spun out its technology arm in 2022 with a focus on commercialising key enabling fusion materials.

Oxford Sigma is a key engineering partner on the UKAEA STEP program through the Engineering Delivery Partnership, Manufacturing Support Services Framework, Engineering Design Services Framework, and Embedded Engineering Resources Framework. It leads the international construction code and standard for fusion, American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Boiler & Pressure Vessel (BPV) Section III Division 4 code, which sets the rules for quality assurance, materials qualification, design rules, inspection, and fabrication of pressure components. Headquartered in Oxford, UK, the company has a US subsidiary in Washington DC and is integrated in the global fusion community. It also has a laboratory co-located at Bangor University, UK, where it handles high temperature lithium to de-risk fusion blankets for fusion power plants.

Oxford Sigma

Project Case Study:

Project Lithium Facility by Oxford Sigma for Fusion (LiFTOFF) is set to evaluate the effect of liquid lithium exposure on both corrosion resistance and mechanical performance of different materials that will be used in nuclear fusion energy fuel cycle system, specifically for liquid metal breeder blankets. The project operates a liquid lithium metal flowing loop, constructed, owned, and operated by Oxford Sigma, in partnership with Bangor University. The project is de-risking structural materials in blankets and assessing our own new alloys that are designed to be corrosion resistant in liquid lithium environments.

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